Now Accepting New Patients!
Now Accepting New Patients!
Comprehensive exams and cleanings help ensure you achieve and maintain a healthy mouth.
Tooth pain tends to occur when you least expect it. We offer same-day appointments, when available, to help ease and treat dental emergencies.
Teeth whitening can get your teeth brighter and faster up to 3 shades.
If your tooth becomes infected, a root canal maybe a treatment option. Repairing and saving a damaged or infected tooth instead of having it removed keeps your smile healthy!
Crowns & Bridges can help restore shade and functionality of your teeth in addition to appearance.
Missing teeth can result in problems with eating, chewing, and speaking. Dentures & Partials are a popular removeable option for replacing missing teeth.
Nervous or anxious about the dentist? We offer Nitrous Sedation (laughing gas) to help you feel calm and relaxed during treatment.
Crooked teeth? We can help straighten your teeth and improve your smile.
We can help correct problems with your teeth’s shape, size, alignment, and color so that your smile will look as good as it feels!
Although permanent teeth are meant to last a lifetime, there are a number of reasons why teeth may need to be extracted.
We understand the importance of good oral health for young children and recommend their first dental exam at 6 months of age.
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Most insurances accepted including Medicaid, CHIP, Medicare, and PPOs.
Call to schedule your appointment today!